Media circus.....
It seems its starting again, but this time I feel strangely nervous, possibly because of the criticism last time, maybe because I know what I'm letting myself in for, and maybe because this is now a serious, and large, part of my life and not a frivolous, light hearted chat with a journalist. Its interesting to some degree, fun and distracting, but equally damaging and I have seen a few friends fall by the wayside, and two very special men freaked out by the circus. I think that's the hardest thing to deal with, because they never know the real me when they are caught up in the melee. I know its only a matter of time before it calms down, and hopefully then I can get back to some form of normality, and by then maybe I will be distracted by other special men, but I will always be disappointed about what the consequences of this life have been. This is a brief blog today, there will be much more to come, rushing off for photos, hair and makeup, and no doubt being styled to look