
Showing posts from April 2, 2009


I know, as a mistress, I have to abide by certain rules, rules laid down in stone by the married man. Don't call me after 5. Don't text me at the weekend. Don't make any marks on me. Don't contact me till I contact you. Don't wear perfume when I see you. Don't expect me to be around for evenings if I have said daytime only. Don't leave any blonde hairs in my car when you get out of it. Don't get lipstick on my suit. Don't expect too much from me - I'm married, and many more. Those are all rules I'm more than happy to abide by, after all I'm a mistress and I know the rules, backwards! I understand a married man has a lot to lose, and the mistress has to know her place in his life, and not be reckless enough to cause him any stress or hassle. If he is her only lover then he knows he can make rules that she will happily work with, but what is the situation when his mistress is conducting more than one affair? Why am I now mentioni