Gosh, I'm quite surprised. I didn't get as many hateful comments as I expected on the Daily Mirror site, and none at all on The People article. Could it be that I'm actually making people realise I'm not the evil witch they think I am? Or have they figured that I will justify what I do in any argument or discussion I have? Yet again, I have been criticised purely for what I look like, rather than what I do. It's hilarious how shallow some people can be, and quite sad that they would accept what I do if I looked like Cheryl Cole! Ah well, it will never change, but neither will I :) I'm not planning on pushing a lettuce leaf around a plate just to be accepted by the small minded anonymous few who wish to comment on my life. I have loved me, and my looks, since before Gok started championing the idea. Many would probably tell me to look in the mirror and 'get over myself' - as one email advised - but surely confidence and self-esteem are far more