Sunday morning.....

In the words of Lionel Richie, I'm easy like Sunday morning :) No, that doesn't refer to my sexual habits, its refers to my perfect Sunday mornings, week after week :)

As a single girl I take it for granted that Sundays are my own, they are peaceful, I stay in bed as long as I want, I eat what I like for breakfast or meet friends for a Sunday lunch in the pub and a catch up. I wear what I like if I'm not going out :) The housework only gets done if I want to but that's usually Saturdays job. I 'potter' and read books, and usually have Sunday afternoon watching old movies like I did when I was a kid. 'Breakfast at Tiffanys' is lined up for today, along with the rugby of course. I sneak off to my local farm shop for a piece of their perfect cheesecake and do some writing, inspired by the surroundings, the peace and tranquility, but whatever I choose to do if just that, my choice.

I suppose my ramblings this morning are about the fact that I feel sorry for married men (and women) whose Sundays are not their own. They are up with the lark because the car needs washing, the garden needs tending to, the lawn needs mowing, that fence needs fixing, the shelves need putting up in the bathroom, the ironing needs doing, and Sunday lunch is with the in-laws (every week). But also caught up in all the necessary chores there is the knowledge that they can't break free to contact their lover. They look forward to Monday morning when they can run from the mundane homelife and get back to 'normal'.

Who knows, some might enjoy it, but in my experience most dread Sunday coming and wish it over before it even starts. How do you feel about your Sundays? Do you love the time spent with your family? Or hate doing the things you 'have to' instead of the things you 'want to'?

Audrey Hepburn and Cat are calling now, so I should settle down with my cuppa and wallow in the serenity :)


  1. Very envious!!

    I'll have to be honest - I just get sick of the routine! Chores Chores Chores

    There are always things I'd prefer to do but they never seem to all get done!

    BUT as with everything in life - there are plus's and minuses!!

    Ce la vie !!


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