Back in action....

My followers and friends have been wonderfully patient with me. I had been dating several people for quite some time and blogging along with it, but due to personal and health reasons I decided to take a step back, and away from everyone and everything for a while. It did me the world of good. I took some time for myself, to reassess what I wanted and why I was here, not just on the net, but in every part of my life. I also managed to catch up on lots of things I'd been meaning to do for a while, namely writing my book. But now I'm back in the thick of things, and enjoying it more than ever. Sometimes we need a breath of fresh air before we put our heads down and start again (but reading that, and knowing what I do, it sounds terribly rude!! lol).

I had expected to be back before now, but things just kept happening, delaying my return, but now I'm back, and hopefully my followers will appreciate my musings, as much as I have appreciated their patience. Thank you all for sticking around, and thank you all for not hassling me to death about my silence :)

Hopefully over the next week or two new stories and adventures will appear, now I am back in the land of dating, and back in the land of Illicit Encounters, and of course back in my life as the Serial Mistress :)

I'm back everyone, and you all have permission to email me and give me grief if I don't blog enough, or my writing isn't interesting enough :)

Thank you all again for sticking around, hope you enjoy the next exciting installments of the Serial Mistress and her blogs xxxx


  1. People say my way of love is crazy to be honest i think being anfaithful and keeping things a secret is bad. Thats why to stop all this nonsense i decided treesomes are the best way around this you get to have what u need with other people plus the person you supouse to love can join in also. And it needs to work both ways and all rules need to apply to both parties and you need to help each other out also. For example if you want to have a treesome with 2 men then you must be willing to have a treesome with 2 women if he wants one. If you cant handle that then think about how he would feel if he found out about you having affairs with other men what if he was doing it to you instead how would you feel then? Also two people working as a team to get one person is way more fun then going about it yourself.

  2. This whole 'how many' thing smacks of insecurity. What are guys thinking when they start searching for partners on sites like IE? That it's full of 40yr old virgins?


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